February 3, 2020



PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen, members Kevin Rooney, Greg Whitney, Mert Bartels, Suzanne Airy, Mark McEwen and Tom Morrison.  Absent were Town Councilman David McEwen and Tom Morrison.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.




Z-01-20 – Lewis – 1296 Route 31– Area Variance – Section 135-Schedule 1 – Accessory Structure shall have a 15ft setback – Town Engineer Scott Allen explained that the applicant would like to remove the existing barn and move it to the West side of the property with a 10ft setback instead of 15ft. The applicant would reconfigure the parking lot for the tenants and maintain circulation. A motion was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney, for a Positive referral.  All in favor; motion carried.




A motion to approve the 12-16-19 minutes was made by Greg Whitney, seconded by Mert Bartels. All in favor; minutes approved.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Suzanne Airy, seconded by Greg Whitney. All in favor; meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Brandi Schutt

Clerk to the Board