February 6, 2017



PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen, members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Mark McEwen, Kevin Rooney and Greg Whitney.  Also present were Town Engineer Scott Allen, Town Councilman David McEwen (via Skype) and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent was Tom Morrison.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  A motion to waive reading the Legal Notice was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor (Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-07-16 – Capital Telecom Acquisition, LLC (Larkin) – Frey & West Walworth Roads – Cell tower site plan – A motion to open the public hearing was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor (Morrison absent); motion carried.  Present on behalf of the applicant were Karl Essler from Bond, Schoeneck & King, David Weisenreder from Costich Engineering and Jeff Hunt from Capital Telecom.  Also present was the owner of the adjoining property at 2658 West Walworth Road, who expressed concern about buffering (trees) between his property and the driveway to the tower.  He noted that four (4) spruce trees were planned along his property line and asked if that the number could be increased to ten (10).  He presented a revised landscaping plan showing the additional trees and also asked if he could be notified prior to planting.


Dave Weisenreder from Costich Engineering then made a brief presentation to the Board.  This project will include a 60 ft. x 60 ft. fenced compound with a 175 ft. monopole tower (Verizon as prime locator).  There will be no lighting on the site other than when a technician is present to do equipment maintenance (once a month).  Driveway will have a locked gate at the road, and an application has already been made to Wayne County Highway Dept. for the driveway permit.  There are no wetlands within the project site.  He also reviewed erosion control, storm water handling and landscaping for the site.  Trees to be planted are Black Hills spruce, 5-6 ft. tall, which mature at 25-50 ft. height with 25-30 ft. spread.


There was no one else present to speak for or against this application.  A motion to close the public hearing was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor (Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-07-16 – Capital Telecom Acquisition, LLC (Larkin) – Frey & West Walworth Roads – Cell tower site plan – Preliminary & final – Board members discussed the landscaping plan and the neighbor’s request to increase the number of trees to be planted.  It was agreed the number of trees would be increased to ten (10) and the neighbor’s input would be sought prior to planting.


It was noted that SEQR was reviewed by the Town Board as part of the Special Use Permit approval process, with a negative declaration issued on 01-12-17.  A motion for preliminary/final site plan approval was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mark McEwen, with conditions to be added to the plan to increase the number of trees to ten (10) Black Hills spruce and to notify the adjoining property owner prior to the tree installation.  All in favor (Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-08-16 – Hemes & Stanton – 2538 Daansen Road – One-lot realty subdivision – This application is for a land transfer between neighbors.




Z-01-17 – SGA Design Group (Walmart) – 425 Route 31 – Area Variance – Sections 135-190-A & C – Number & size of signs – Walmart will be adding a merchandise pickup area on the northeast side of their store and is requesting an additional building-mounted sign indicating this feature.  Variances were granted for the number and size of the signs originally installed, and another variance is now required to exceed the previous approvals.  A motion to give a positive referral to the ZBA was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Morrison absent); motion carried.




A motion to approve the 01-04-17 minutes was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor (Morrison absent); minutes approved.


The 01-16-17 minutes could not be approved due to lack of appropriate quorum.




Jim Beckenbach owner of Infinite Audio came before the Board asking for direction on a project he is planning.  He would like to increase the parking area of his lot to accommodate a new tenant and to use for car shows.  The proposed area is vacant land, which would be graded, surfaced with millings and plowed in the winter.  Board members felt the project required a modification of the original site plan, and Mr. Beckenbach was asked to complete an application.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney.  All in favor (Morrison absent); meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board