May 2, 2016




PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen and members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Greg Whitney.  Also present were Town Councilman David McEwen, Town Engineer Scott Allen and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent was Kevin Rooney.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.




PB-15-15 – Waste Management of NY, LLC – Quaker Road – Fill/grading – Jeff Richardson and Nicole Fornof of Waste Management were present to address the Board.  Mr. Richardson explained that Waste Management recently purchased the Packard farm and received subdivision approval with the Packard family retaining 23 of the 197+ acres.  In addition, Cy Packard has a 10-year agreement to occupy the house on Quaker Road and an agricultural agreement renewable at 5-year intervals to continue their farm operation.


Waste Management is now requesting approval of the grading plan for soil to be removed as part of the landfill expansion into the Town of Macedon.  Mr. Richardson explained they expect 15-18 cells will be constructed in Macedon with the first cell (8-10 acres) resulting in 650,000+ cu. yds. of soil to be removed.  Over the 45 year lifespan of the landfill, approximately 3.5 million cubic yards of soil will be removed.  The filling operation will involve excavation of cell sites on the south side of Quaker Road and moving the soil to the Packard (now Waste Management) property on the north side of Quaker Road.


Construction of a berm around the fill site, two (2) surface water ponds and a shooting range will be part of the first phase of the project.  The majority of the fill will be placed around the east side of an existing drumlin.  Fill will not exceed the height of the drumlin, but will extend its profile.  The second phase will be construction of the first cell’s liner, drain, etc., with the cell becoming active in the 4th quarter of 2017.  Waste Management has made their application to the EPA for an Air Permit with approval needed prior to any excavation activity.


The Board members then reviewed the specifics of the proposal regarding quantity of soil to be removed, size of equipment to be used, location & number of truck crossings on Quaker Road, etc.  Ms. Fornof indicated that traffic studies are being conducted at six (6) intersections and along Perinton Parkway/Quaker Road.  A Phase I archaeological study will also be conducted (shovel tests) on the fill site.  Both of these studies must be completed prior to SEQR review.


Chairman Allen noted that Quaker Road is a town road, and as such, any decision regarding the road crossings would be made by the Town Board in concert with the Highway Supervisor.




A motion to approve the 04-18-16 minutes was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Mark McEwen.  All in favor (Rooney absent); minutes approved.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Rooney absent); meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board