MEMBERS PRESENT included: Chairman, Scott Allen, Tom Morrison, Doug Allen, Mert Bartels, Councilman Bill Hammond, MRB Agent Pat Nicoletta.  Absent were Members, Brian Gagne, Tom Ferreri and Howard Jordan.  Also absent was Mario Fioravanti, Code Enforcement Officer.

Chairman, Scott Allen, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Motion to waive the reading of the public hearing notice as it appeared in the “Times” was made by Doug Allen and seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.


Gananda Community Church / Site Plan for Addition of Sanctuary and Parking / Preliminary and Final
Motion to open this public hearing was made by Doug Allen and seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.  The applicants were present to represent this application.  No one else was present to speak for or against this application.  Motion to close this public hearing was made by Doug Allen and seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.


Gananda Community Church / Site Plan for Addition of Sanctuary and Parking / Preliminary and Final
Present to address the board was Paul Schreiner of DJ Parrone, Bill Coons, a Gananda Community Church Trustee, and Ed Rainier, Builder.  Paul Schreiner gave a quick overview of the project.  He stated that the addition was approximately 5600 square feet.  Two new lights will be added and one existing light is to be relocated.  Paul continued by address the engineering comments.  It was discussed that no formal landscaping was being proposed at this time.  The church is planning to address this issue by having a landscaping party where the church members would participate in the planting.  It was decided that a note should be added to the plan on what type of landscaping is being proposed and how it is to be installed.  The dumpster location is to be located another 50' back from where it is currently located and the board felt this was a better location for appearance reasons.  All other engineering comments were addressed on the plans and were satisfactory to both the board and the applicants.  DEC Correspondence was give to the board for review.  Ed Rainier stated that he was hoping to receive the DEC permit with in the next 2-3 days.  Short SEQR indicates no negative impacts and a motion was made by Doug Allen for negative declaration on SEQR, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.  Motion to grant realty subdivision approval contingent to all MRB engineering comments, the addition of the landscaping note to the plan, the DEC permit received by Mario Fioravanti prior to granting of building permit and a note that the dumpster location is acceptable was made by Scott Allen, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.


Deborah Kay Ayers / 708 Alderman Rd / Area Variance, Section 135-62 Schedule 1 / would like to build a front porch closer to lot lines than allowed by town code
After discussion on the application the planning board stated that this was a neighborhood concern.


Mario Fioravanti asked that a discussion be had concerning the car wash located on Route 31 next to Brixton Ave.  The owner was in asking about adding on but Mario was unclear about what setbacks he should follow being that the car wash appears to be in the TPD zoning area.  The planning board questioned if this property was actually part of the TPD zoning or if a mistake had been made on the zoning map.  It was determined that Pat Nicoletta would review the legal description of the TPD zone from when it was originally rezoned and determine if this property was actually a part of that district.

Bill Hammond stated that the town received a letter from Jim Brady from the County Highway Department concerning the driveway on Alderman Rd that Mr. VanHout created.  The letter states that although the proper process was not followed for the construction of this driveway, sight distance seemed to be adequate.  The Town Board will discuss referring application back to the Planning Board for further consideration.

Bill Hammond also shared information that was received by the Town on the rat situation on West Walworth Rd.  A report was received for Enviro-tech following a formal inspection by them, Mario Fioravanti and the Health inspector relaying the type of rat, their breeding habits, and how to resolve the problem.


A motion was made by Mert Bartels to approve the minutes dated March 13, 2001, seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.


Minutes by Jennifer Habecker